my testimonial

my testimonial

Saturday 26 April 2014

Let's Enjoy the Process!!

setelah sekian lama,,hewhew,,akhirnya dapat juga menulis :')

korang pernah rasa diri dibebani masalah? 
ujian melanda macam dipukul ombak yang tak sudah?
apa yang korang buat bila perkara diatas berlaku?

I written this blog not to be proud of myself but to SHARE my experience ;) maybe can help you in the tough time,,

First semester, First year degree in IIUM was a toughest time,,I had struggled to go out from the problems,,but one solved and another come T__T ya Allah ya Rabbi apakah yang Allah nak bagi ni ? sometimes menangis sendiri atas katil, tengah duduk pun boleh nangis, yang penting in that moment memang tak bole sendirian because I will cry.

but always remind myself that,

and I always keep searching what should I do to put out the sadness from my heart? its really painful ya Allah. Day by day keep searching, NEVER GIVE UP! because Allah knows best. Even getting much problem, saya jarang sangat miss herbalife training (we herbalife coaches have training to help ourselves first and then help others) because I know that the only place that can make me keep positive ,help me finding answers and cheer me up!!
 because its about the people and the event itself :)

habis je training, saya ada nampak sorang akak ni tengah baca buku "mudahnya menjemput rezeki'

MasyaAllah :') buku ni sangat best,,HIGHLY RECOMMENDED TO READ IT! saya cerita sikit buku ni memang pasal rezeki, rezeki ni milik Allah kan? buku ni tolong saya fahamkan balik tentang rezeki, betulkan balik hubungan dengan Allah dan banyak lagi,,seriously you should read it!!

Alhamdulillah lepas baca buku tu memang banyak merubah saya in any aspect, but trust me always read motivation book because to polish ourselves become better person.

korang pernah discover kenapa Allah bagi ujian tu kat diri kita? 

dan bila kita pernah mengalami macam-macam ujian ,,yes the first time is the hardest! but trust me when the next coming you will feel calm to face it,,because you know what to do,,always KEEP FAITH with Him and LASER FOCUS on SOLUTION.

I think that's all for today :) thank you for reading.

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