my testimonial

my testimonial

Monday 16 July 2012

It is about Kn0wledgE :)


Assalamualaikum...hye smueeeee :D
ari nie bnyk bt0l blaja and paling igt kls BTQ (Basic Theme of Al-Quran)
ari nie blaja tajuk 'Knowledge' or 'Ilmu'

knp kte kne blaja???
utk mendptkn 'Haqqul Yaqin'..'Haqqul Yaqin' mksdnye adlh yakin yg bt0l2 yakin t'hdp sesuatu..
for example:
kte tahu dlm bdn every human de cell an..n bile adenye plajrn biologi mnmbh ag keyakinan kte bhwa dlm bdn kte de cell..bile kte da yakin nk jwb peperiksaan pown mudah gituuu~
same as in mkn products Herbalife..n sy slalo0 g Herbalife Customer Day..knp sy slalo0 pegi kt situ n ajk rmy2 org???coz kt situ bg sy adlh sebuah 'majlis ilmu'...ilmu kesihatan...jd xkan sy nk blaja sorg2 annnn,,,ilmu msty dikongsi...xrugi pown!!!! again XRUGI!!! lg dpt bnyk pahala adela...Alhamdulillah :) jd lps g majlis ilmu lg rse yakin ngn products Herbalife nie..bile kte yakin ngn product...kte akn btol2 consume product 2!!! n AMAZINGLYYYYY Herbalife is not about only the product but it also about U!!! again ABOUT U!!!!!

knp kte perlukan ilmu?? 

utk memenuhi keperluan kte iaitu keperluan physical n spiritual!!

meh cni sy elaborate pe 2 keperluan physical...keperluan physical like kte dr kecik menuntut ilmu smpy ke menara gading...for what???utk dapat keje yg bagus2...knp nk keje bagus2?? utk dptkn hidup yg selesa,rumah yg selesa n etc yg selesa2 lah :D bile selesakn bahagia!!!

then what is keperluan spiritual???keperluan spiritual adlh to know ourselves better...why???to be a better person..

td ustzh ckp,"Allah loves who are knowledgeable"[Surah Ali Imran:18]-bole la tgk kt ayt 2 ye :)

jd td ustzh ckp sy t'fikir sebentar,,,sy student engineering but I also know about I get the knowledge about health??? only in Herbalife...Alhamdulillah temukan sy ngn Herbalife :)

n with Herbalife sy juge dpt blaja bnyk perkara n stakat nie bnyk gak g bnyk tmpt...huhu~

sy br b'umo 19taon yew...hewhew~xjeles ke???sy da explore bnyk sgt tmpt kt bumi Allah nie such as last sem break in may I'm going to Singapore for a week!!!! again SINGAPOREEEEE!!!

Jommmm tgk gmbr2 'The Sweetest Moment in My Life'

yummYYY ^^

at Arab Streetttt!!!

Bugis Streetttt plakkk ^^

Chinatown **

Esplanade :D

Sight from Marina Bayyy!!!

We are at the Early Age!!!! 19 :)

Gambar yg dr bwh till yg ke 4...smue rakan s'prjuangn sy...they are my strangers...I know them in Herbalife!!! n they are my true friends...always support me!!!! love them soooo muchhhh~;)

mesti korg rse this is the longest blog EVER yg korg pnh bce...maafla kalu BORING bce :)
sy cme nk sharing pe yg sy da lalui in this INCREDIBLE YEAR!!! Alhamdulillah...who wants join me in the same track???it is not too late...just tell me ya~oke see ya :)


Saturday 14 July 2012

MenanGissSS :')

Assalamualaikum smue,,,
Alhamdulillah hari nie Allah bg sy pluang lg utk hidup supaya dpt mlaksanakn printah-Nya dan menyampaikan dakwah-Nya :)

Ari nie sy nk b'cerita ttg tangisan,menangis or in english crying,,hmm spe xpnh menangis??? tipu xde org yg menangis an...klu ade pown 1 dlm seribu..hehe~ske2 wat ratio :D
n skiranya anda menangis mesti krn parents,kwn2,pkwe(kalu de la) or krn Allah..xkn nangis tanpa sebab an :)

Baikla,,dlm hidup kte de naik de tr0nnye n de sng n de sshnye...depends on kte cmne nk handle annn :) so same as in Herbalife sy xkate wat Herbalife nie sng sgtttt or ssh's just average jeq,,,
Alhamdulillah journey in Herbalife ssh n sng smue de hikmahnye...juz depends on kte mne yg patot d'ambil n mne yg ptot d'buang..
secare jujurnye sy ngn Herbalife bnyk sgttt menangis,,,smpy tonggang tebalik pown de,,haha~tnye la rumate sy coz dyorg adalah saksi...n smpy some Herbalifers know that sy kuat 'cengeng'..hahah maluuu..tutup mke jap **

But the different thing is..kalu nangis lps join Herbalife rse tangisan 2 sgt2 worth...Yes!!! really2 WORTH!! bile nangis rse STRONGER!!!n bile nangis rse much BETTER!!! why bcoz dlu waktu first2 join Herbalife bile sy nangis msty most of Herbalife said that,,
                           "Yan Allah nga uji Yan..msty something BIG yg Allah nk bg..percaya lah!!"

terkesima ngn ayt d'atas = =' that's why I luv Herbalife coz they are really2 matter what it is...kte xdpt achieve goal that month...they keep saying that "maybe yan keje xckup kuat ag" or "maybe BLOM SMPY MASENYE"...t'haru jap ngn dyorang :')
Alhamdulillah jmpekn sy ngn mereka nih~

So even korg Herbalifers or not...sntiase pkir +ve!!!! again +ve!!! bgaimana ssh pown or bgaimana bsar pown masalah 2 msty de solution!!!Allah xkn bebankn umatnya kalu umatnye xmampu tanggung.. 
jgn sekali-kali give up,,again NEVER GIVE UP!!! Allah nk tgk kekuatan kte utk mnangani sesuatu perkara tu...bole atau bole bos???? :) everything is no problem...again NO PROBLEM :D  
n dlm bku motivation english like 'Dare to Dream' by John C.Maxwell pown tekankn words 'NEVER GIVE UP!' 

 Allah doesn't BURDEN us with things that we can't bear [2:286]

Verily, with EVERY difficulties, there is RELIEF [94:6]  

InsyaAllah I belive that someday I will be somebody :)

oke smpy di sini shj nukilan sy,,,pe yg sy katekn td yg elok d'ambil sbg pngajaran n yg buruk jdkn smpdn..pen off,,wassalam~

Thursday 12 July 2012

StaY Y0unG ;)

wahh da lame xpost kt blog..xde idea + busy cket..hehe~mklumla br ms0k sem :)
Alhamdulillah hari b'ganti hari sgt b'mkne buatkn yan b'tmbh matang 0r matured!!! n skrg nie sgt appreciate anything and the most thing that i appreciate is TIME!!!
Alhamdulillah Ya Allah temukn sy ngn Herbalife jdkn hid0p sy lebih b'mkne :')

haish...pnjgnye intro..oke b'blek pd tajuk diatas :) haha~klaka gak cmne post ini t'jadi..actually nga wt assignment english then bce article nie >>click here<<
bce2 wahh ideas!!! :D

and bnyk lagi Herbalifers mke xnmpk tue pown even umo dy da capai 70-an!!!! Can't u imagine that????

msty korg t'tnye2 knp dyorg bole remain cantik even umo da meningkat???
msty jwpn in ur mind msty pasal product... YES!!! btolll :D
for ur info Herbalife product help us continue generate new cell...n the lifestyle make us healthier...again LIFESTYLE!!

dr keratan article yg korg tgk td:

This is the secret of youth — when we put living foods into our bodies we build living cells in it; conversely, dead foods destroy cells instead of building healthy new ones, and as a result, the renewal of cells is sluggish; our elimination is impaired and the result is that we retain more of the old worn-out cells. This constitutes the process of aging – the inability to replace worn-out cells with new ones. When, on the other hand, we supply our body with living raw foods abun­dant with vitamins and minerals we are apt to build young cells, clear our blood of toxins, our skin of irregularities and blotches, get a sparkle of vitality in our eyes, and buoyancy in our legs. All functions of our body will be improved, including our metabolism. This will change not only our feelings of well-being but will actual­ly make us look younger.
 Have a goal in life—live for something so that you can always look forward to attaining it and meanwhile have an interest to continue living. After you have reached that goal, no matter what your age is at the time, set yourself another goal;later on, still another one — never ending this process. 

translation (1): kte mkn mkanan yg  masih hidup(sayur segar n buah2) supaya dpt tlg kte bina sel baru, bila sel baru terbina maka sel lama akn d'tukarkn kpd sel yg lbey sihat n dlm mkanan tersebut terdpt vitamin n mineral. ia dpt tlg bdn kte kuarkn brg2 yg xelok like toksin(racun).as aresult bdn kte akn functioning  dgn lbey baik!!!^^...that's why i choose Herbalife coz dlm F1 de 55nutrition n dy hidup tau,,hehe~bkn hidup mean b'lari-lari dlm botol :) mksdnye tlg bdn kte active utk generate sel baru!!! that's why stay young :D

translation(2): dlm hidup kte perlukan matlamat!! 
sbg contoh: "anda dlu2 g skola knp??? sje nk main2 or nk berjaya???msty nk b'jye an :)
                 " korang msok u amek course pe?? cth engin,,knp?? korg mmg nk jd engineer an :)
oke bg yan mmg smue org de matlamat tp korg pnh pkir 2,5 or 10 taon akn dtg pe jd pd korg???
hehe~Herbalife ajar sy create sy pnye mse dpn 2years onwards even its only my dream, i want make it happen!! InsyaAllah..

Allah telah berfirman di dalam Al-Quran:“….Sesungguhnya Allah tidak akan mengubah nasib sesuatu kaum itu sehingga mereka sendiri mengubah nasib mereka….” (Ar-Ra’du:11)

 Keep learning new things all the time, have new interests, meet new people and change places often by going visiting, vacationing, and traveling.
 Laugh and joke around with others and even with yourself; have a cheerful, relaxed attitude at all times; enjoy life as you have it; do not cultivate discontentment.

gmbr diats sy kenal cme akak sy seorg yg berselendang..yg lain stranger yg sy knl  dl Herbalife :D
that's why I love Herbalife :)

oke rse mcm da bnyk menulis..yg baik amik la pengajaran n yg buruk jdkn sempadan :)
so spe yg nk sntiasa muda,,my suggestion is Herbalife!!!^^

if nk tnye pape tnye jeqq oke :D msg me or call 0136446733
thnx for reading.......